Thursday, 1 December 2011


You "win" NaGaDemon if you make a game and play it. My RPG game has not progressed that much sins my last post and I can not really claim to have played a complete game at this point, so I guess I kind of lost.


I also won! Wohoo! Because I went from "I would like to do this" to "This is what I'm doing" ad for me that is a really big change. And also, just because NaGaDemon is over does not mean that the game is over. I will complete this game/engine. My end goal is to publish at least one game in the Android Market using this engine. Either free or paid(or both?). I know how to do it, I know it can be done and I really want to do it. So thats's it: I will do it! :)

So what was the end result? Well, basically I'm at the point of the last post with the addition that when the player is thrown into the battle screen: there are 2 enemies there that starts tracking you by closing in one step each time you move. And once they get next to you, they attack you and you usually die. An by usually I mean always. There is rudimentary support for adding weapons and armour into the battle calculations but none exist.

So in short: I'm not done. There is a few things left to make it a "game". There are a lot of things left to make it a game. I will do a lot of things.

A fun month! I will do it again!

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